What Makes Color Street The Best Nail Strips?

Ok, I know there are a lot of nail strips or nail wraps around that you have to choose from. Even the big box stores carry them for a cheaper price. So really, why should you choose Color Street nail strips for your nails? Well, let's dive into this. Safer Alternative First, our nail strips are 100% nail polish. Base coat, color/design, and top coat in one. They are not vinyl or plastic like many other cheaper nail strips are. Our strips are nail polish that is almost completely dry, but sticky enough to stick to your nails. No Special Tools Required You don't need a hair dryer or any other special tool, and you don't need to trace and cut out each strip to make sure they fit your nail. Color Street nail strips go on like a sticker. If you lay it on a little crooked, you can pull it up and place it in the correct spot. If a strip is too big, you can use your thumb nail or a cuticle stick to push down and perforate the strip once it is on your nail, and the excess ...